What does it Mean for Procurement Processes to be both Intelligent AND Connected

What does it Mean for Procurement Processes to be both Intelligent AND Connected

Published by: Research Desk Released: Sep 12, 2019

ECM — Enterprise Content Management — is evolving into a set of capabilities that are smarter and more connected than ever before. AIIM calls this Intelligent Information Management.

We believe that a modern approach to Intelligent Automation has three core pillars:

  1. A flexible and modular approach that utilizes content and information wherever and whenever it is needed – CONTENT SERVICES.
  2. Process tools that can be delivered with the simplicity of an app, but within a framework that allows the business to remain in control without relying on IT – PROCESS SERVICES.
  3. Automated tools to prepare ALL of its information – both data and content – for the era of machine learning – ANALYTICS SERVICES.