Seven Reasons Why IT Teams Love Third-Party Software Support

Seven Reasons Why IT Teams Love Third-Party Software Support

Rimini Street
Published by: Research Desk Released: Jan 03, 2020

Yed digital transformation comes at a price. IT leaders must align their investments with business priorities. That means designing a technology roadmap that translates into business results such as winning new customers and ensuring the loyalty of existing customers. They must sort through waves of technology hype and decide whether investing in blockchain or augmented reality apps makes sense as a priority or long-term goal. At the same time, they must consider immediate, practical opportunities to optimize business processes with streamlined workflow and better use of data.
The multimillion dollar boardroom question CIOs must answer is: “How are we going to pay for this?” With 80 to 90 percent of a typical IT budget already committed to the operation of existing systems, CIOs and their finance teams must find funding. Adopters of third-party enterprise software support recognize that the best way to achieve a decent return on investment especially with applications such as ERP, is to stop paying for overpriced maintenance contracts and unnecessary upgrades.
This e-book explores the reasons why third-party support can be the best way to accelerate your Business-Driven Roadmap.