Modernizing the WAN( Wide Area Network) to Drive Digital Business

Modernizing the WAN( Wide Area Network) to Drive Digital Business

Published by: Research Desk Released: Sep 17, 2019

The cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics and virtualization technologies are helping organizations transform into digital businesses. And for many companies, digital transformation means staying in business — whether that’s by keeping pace with changing consumer demands, succeeding at global competition, or staying on top of emerging market trends.

Not all enterprise networks are built for the change that digital business requires. Many organizations use a hybrid approach to internet connectivity, adding endpoints based on project-specific needs. The result: potentially damaging network sprawl and a lack of seamless integration across separate networks, leading to inconsistent performance, security risks and management headaches.
Other organizations continue to depend on legacy IT solutions that lack the agility, flexibility and efficiency needed to support cloud and virtualization technology — key enablers of digital transformation.