How to Build a Legal Tech Roadmap:

How to Build a Legal Tech Roadmap:

Thomson Reuters
Published by: Research Desk Released: Nov 20, 2020

Companies often press their legal departments to be more efficient and “do more with less,” but how can your department deliver at least the same level of service with fewer resources? Those that have made this shift credit a purposeful use of technology and data to help them work better and ultimately demonstrate the value of the legal department. A clearly defined legal technology roadmap aligned with business strategy is the best first step, and remains a critical tool to ensure technology tools support core objectives for controlling cost, driving efficiency and showcasing the legal department as a business enabler.

If your organization doesn’t yet have a well-defined roadmap—or the one that exists needs updating—check our new roadmap whitepaper and learn:

  • What defines a technology roadmap, and what challenges it can solve
  • How to start building one
  • How can a roadmap be used to guide technology purchase decisions
  • Research into the top ranking legal tech solutions in order of importance

Download your complementary whitepaper and start your roadmapping journey today.