Flash Storage Fuels IT(Information Technology) Transformation

Flash Storage Fuels IT(Information Technology) Transformation

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jan 11, 2019

Flash storage as a modern infrastructure choice can bring several meaningful outcomes to organizations. It reduces data center OpEx and CapEx through its next-generation storage efficiency capabilities and its consistently declining drive costs. Flash dramatically improves application performance, which adds new power to resource-intensive digital initiatives such as big data analytics. Flash also plays a meaningful role in helping organizations run a data center environment that is agile and similar to cloud IT.

Any organization looking for improvements in those areas should evaluate their present flash storage usage and perhaps look for opportunities to expand utilization.

After all, Transformed companies are almost unanimously leveraging flash. And by doing so, they are saving money, making better decisions, staying on schedule with their deployments and strategic initiatives—and ultimately staying ahead of the competitive curve.