A More Sustainable Approach to Enterprise Storage: Reducing Power Consumption with InfiniBox®

A More Sustainable Approach to Enterprise Storage: Reducing Power Consumption with InfiniBox®

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jun 28, 2019

Data continues to grow at an astounding pace? As a result, data center space is becoming more scarce, as more arrays are acquired to store all of this data. Along with this data taking up space, it is also utilizing a great deal of power and cooling. In fact, the average data center in the U.S. uses approximately 34,000 kW of electricity each year, costing $180,000 in annual energy costs. As Infinidat set out to revolutionize the storage industry, one of our goals was to help consumers of storage build a more sustainable infrastructure that would be not only better for the environment, but also help them to save money as well. All of our patents come together to form InfiniBox, a storage solution that does just this.