End-to-End Server Security: The IT Leader’s Guide

End-to-End Server Security: The IT Leader’s Guide

Dell EMC + Intel
Published by: Research Desk Released: Mar 14, 2019

As enterprises embark on the IT transformation journey, all too often business leaders fail to place sufficient focus on server security. If security is neglected, the datacenter offers a myriad of security vulnerabilities and can become a prime target for malicious attacks. This best practices paper offers business leaders a framework to assess whether their vendors are “Security Leaders” or “Security Laggards.” End-to-end security is one of the essential building blocks of a successful

IT Transformation and we discuss how PowerEdge servers are uniquely designed to support this. Further, we provide key questions every CIO, CISO, and IT leader should pose to their server vendor. These questions ought to inform your decision when choosing a server vendor, particularly if security is a top concern. This paper is organized into sections describing the importance of IT infrastructure security and presents essential criteria IT leaders should use to identify end-to-end server security.