5 Ways that SD-WAN Transforms your Network

5 Ways that SD-WAN Transforms your Network

Published by: Research Desk Released: Feb 25, 2020

Where organizations host applications is changing. How they access applications needs to change as well. Enterprise applications are moving to the cloud and organizations are using SaaS applications. VMware did a survey and found that the pace of migration for applications to the cloud is accelerating. • As of 2016 about 50% of new enterprise applications had been moved to the cloud. • By 2021 we predict that 50% of all applications will be in the cloud. The Wide Area Network (WAN) was built to connect from the branch office to the data center, typically over service provider virtual private networks. With applications residing in the cloud, this is no longer efficient. The cloud is accessed over the Internet. However, Internet performance isn’t reliable or secure. The problem is that the Internet is a best effort transport and performance is not guaranteed.