Forbes Insights Planning Paradise across the IT Landscape

Forbes Insights Planning Paradise across the IT Landscape

IT Central Station
Published by: Research Desk Released: Nov 14, 2018

To be ready for Paradise City, Paradise Group in South Korea needed a more robust and integrated data infrastructure. It also needed to keep its talent focused on creating and operating the kind of guest experience envisioned for the future of Paradise—the holograms and the VIP experience for high rollers—not on facilities management and software updates. What’s more, it needed to ensure a world-class security and resiliency posture in a business that cannot tolerate any downtime. The group turned to IBM. IBM Global Technology Services will consolidate a piecemeal system of seven existing data centers into a Tier 3+ fully secure IBM data center close to Paradise City. The partnership with IBM will not only give Paradise an infrastructural upgrade, but IBM Resiliency Services will also provide critical backup in case of an outage, with full redundancy and a remote recovery site.