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The Reset: Accelerating the business value of technology in Financial Services

The Reset: Accelerating the business value of technology in Financial Services

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jan 20, 2023

The Challenges facing financial services pre-pandemic – including increasing consumer expectations, regulatory scrutiny, and ongoing pressure on revenue and cost performance – are now joined by inflation, skills shortages, and wavering consumer confidence.

Financial Institutions need to address this considerable set of challenges by consolidating systems and processes, enabling their teams to be nimble, cutting costs, and moving on from the legacy systems that inhibit agility and drive away talent.

Leaders are again turning to technology platforms and leveraging data and AI solutions – but their transformation efforts must now delivery even greater business value, faster.

Boston Consultancy Group (BCG) and Salesforce have conducted qualitative and quantitative research with financial services leaders to identify the keys to successful transformation. We found out how they achieved transformation that meets consumers’ expectations, empowers business units to act nimbly with compliance embedded in processes and systems, increases efficiency, and lowers costs.

Learn from leading financial services transformation projects – which have delivered high value quickly, increased efficiency and lowered costs. Download the BCG report: The Reset.