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Wholesale Distribution: Staying Relevant With Order Management Built for B2B Complexity

Wholesale Distribution: Staying Relevant With Order Management Built for B2B Complexity

Published by: Research Desk Released: Nov 10, 2023

Insatiable M and As, market consolidation, geopolitical inflation, and disintermediation. As the pandemic fades in the rearview mirror, wholesale distribution and manufacturing face a fresh wave of challenges.

To cap it all off, a changed market landscape leaves an open question that’s hard to ignore and harder to answer: why shouldn’t wholesale distribution and manufacturing clients expect the same omni-channel fulfilment options that B2C consumers now take for granted?

On paper, wholesale distribution and manufacturing customers can and should expect retail-like order and fulfilment. But turning theory into practice presents wholesalers with a set of complex sub-questions.

For starters, transportation accounts for a frightening chunk of total wholesale and distribution costs. In this context, rolling out rapid fulfilment in wholesale and distribution becomes a tightrope walk that intersects two incompatible risks.