Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge Graphs

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jul 19, 2021

Wed, Jul 28, 2021 • 07:30 – 10:30 Pacific / 10:30 – 13:30 EDT

Knowledge graphs are driving industry disruption and business transformation by bringing together previously disparate data, adding more context for intelligent applications, and using connections for complex decision making.

Recognized across many industries as an efficient, effective approach to both data management and analytics, knowledge graphs are applicable to a wide variety of use cases. Enterprises already use them for data governance, data compliance, fighting fraud, enhancing the predictive power of machine learning processes, improving patient outcomes, and so much more.

This online event is a half day of guest speakers as well as Neo4j knowledge graph experts. You’ll be presented with a dynamic mix of thought leadership and practical, real-world examples to discover what’s possible with Neo4j and knowledge graphs.

Sign up to get more information on Neo4j presentation topics and speakers as it becomes available. If you aren’t able to make the full event, that’s okay! All talks are sent out to registered attendees after the event.