Database Architects and Administrators Guide to NoSQL

Database Architects and Administrators Guide to NoSQL

Published by: Research Desk Released: Feb 11, 2020

Cloud application requirements have pushed beyond the limitations of relational database management systems.

And NoSQL has come to the rescue. But how do you know NoSQL isn’t another fly-by-night technology? What makes it different? How do you know what to use it for … and what not to use it for?

This comprehensive whitepaper will answer those questions and more.

In it, you’ll learn:

  • The foundational elements of NoSQL for database management
  • The ins and outs of handling security and availability—even if you have multiple data centers
  • Strategies for implementation, including technical considerations and business requirements

Before you start planning your NoSQL migration, be sure to download this whitepaper. It’ll save you time and headaches!