Couchbase vs. MongoDB™ for Scale-Out and High Availability

Couchbase vs. MongoDB™ for Scale-Out and High Availability

Published by: Research Desk Released: Aug 12, 2019

Couchbase is a distributed NoSQL document-oriented database with a core architecture that supports a flexible data model, easy scalability, consistent high performance, always-on 24/365 characteristics, and advanced security. Many enterprises have chosen Couchbase over the popular MongoDB™ after rigorously evaluating both NoSQL databases side by side. In this paper, we’ll focus on how Couchbase compares to MongoDB™ for scalability and high availability. More specifically, we’ll discuss: The ability to scale enterprise applications easily, efficiently, and reliably. Scaling single services instead of the entire database. Avoiding downtime and maintaining high availability 24/7 with replication, automatic failover, and online operations.