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Why Grocery Brands Should Ditch Instacart

Why Grocery Brands Should Ditch Instacart

Published by: Research Desk Released: May 04, 2023

The last few years have been hectic for the grocery industry, to say the least. And no company knows how quickly the market can change better than Instacart.

Once the answer to all of the grocery industry’s problems, Instacart has lived long enough to see itself become a villain. More and more grocers are recognizing how overdependent the industry has grown on its services and are breaking away from the tech start-up to power their own online marketplaces, and if your business hasn’t done the same, you should think about following suit.

What you’ll find inside:

  • Owning Your Marketplace Experience Is Better For Your Business Owning Your
  • Marketplace Is Better For Your Customer Too
  • It’s Time to Power Your Customer Experience With Bloomreach