Best Practices: Enforcing Least Privilege Access for Linux Servers With Okta

Best Practices: Enforcing Least Privilege Access for Linux Servers With Okta

Published by: Research Desk Released: Apr 07, 2021

In their 2019 Data Breach Investigation Report, Verizon revealed an alarming increase in 2018 cybersecurity attacks to over 375,000 incidents – almost 65% were server attacks. Today, information security (IS) and information technology (IT) professionals must guard against a seemingly endless variety of attack vectors while balancing on a narrow Identity Access Management (IAM) tightrope. Often, adequate security controls are one side while user productivity is on the other. Exposing sensitivecompany or customer Personal Information can result in catastrophic consequences, including customer loss, brand damage, compliance fines, lawsuits, and more. The role of IAM can be critical in determining who has access to which servers and what tasks they can perform through strong authentication, dynamic authorization, and strict policy enforcement.