Three Ways to Integrate Active Directory with Your SaaS Applications

Three Ways to Integrate Active Directory with Your SaaS Applications

Okta + Workforce
Published by: Research Desk Released: Mar 22, 2019

The adoption rate of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications has been dramatic. Trials of applications like, WebEx, or NetSuite have transitioned into enterprise-wide deployments, and many organizations have adopted a “SaaS first” policy. The tendency of SaaS applications to be siloed has made identity management, user access and authorization an increasing challenge. The task of onboarding users is a time-intensive, manual process that involves administrators across multiple departments, which can introduce risk. Additionally, in most enterprises, Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is the authoritative user directory that governs access to basic IT services such as email and file sharing.

Read this whitepaper to learn:

– The challenges of managing user access for SaaS apps

– The importance of Active Directory Integration

– Options for integrating Active Directory with SaaS applications