Futurism Technologies, the leading provider of next generation digital transformation solutions, announced the availability of packaged services, earnestly moving toward the title of Smart Factory. These packaged services are targeted at the manufacturers that are looking to accelerate digital transformation at affordable prices. The service packages aim to render a series of iterative digitization projects that generate ROI in just a few months.

The smart factory services by Futurism will include:

  • Replacement of manual monitoring with IoT sensors that feed data to big data systems. Machine learning algorithms will be created that will eliminate downtime and line stoppage. This feature is named Smart Predictive Maintenance.
  • The data scientist and data analyst will track real-time movements of work in progress and finished goods with the help of IoT sensors. It will help in predicting the rate of consumption to maintain inventory and restock whenever needed. This feature is named Smart Inventory.
  • There will be use of advanced imaging and sensor technology to detect quality issues rapidly. If the issues are eliminated in the very first place or at the time of detection, it helps in yielding better quality products. This feature is called Smart Quality Control.
  • The package will include wearables for enhanced communication, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) features. It is a way to support people and processes for training and safety. This feature is called Smart and Safe Shop Floor Worker.
  • The package has a feature wherein machines or assets can self-optimize right after they start to face performance issues. This feature is called Smart Asset Efficiency.

Futurism Technologies is deploying all these skills to complete the projects with a deep understanding of a factory requirement. The company is leading due to its core knowledge of IoT systems, data science, machine learning, and autonomous bots. And the smart factory is the latest service in the large portfolio of Futurism Technologies. Also, the company is elected to provide true value when it comes to security control throughout all the projects, be it in-progress or completed.