Automation will not only make some jobs superfluous but will also bring performance benefits in many industries. AI has already attracted and still attracts billions of dollars of investment. Each new technological advance is a little more upsetting habits and raises fears, even hostility. It was already the case when the advent of microcomputers in the 80s then corporate networks, and internet in the 90s. And it will be even more the case with the arrival of artificial intelligence technologies.

At present, the primary focus of AI is to make existing processes more effective rather than providing cognitive-based analysis or cognitive engagement. But the future will be very different. We’re on the cusp of a broad-spectrum AI When it has relevant and numerous data, so-called “tight” AI applications that work on a single task in a single domain can now reach a speed and superhuman precision, that is, beyond human capabilities. This is happening now in many areas, but the AI of the future will be even more effective. We are at the dawn of a “broad spectrum” multitasking and multidomain AI that will be very disruptive.

One in two jobs may soon be done by machine The McKinsey Global Institute has completed a comprehensive study of automation potential in a wide range of industries. The top five industries in terms of automation potential are hotels, manufacturing, logistics, agriculture, and retail. The average for all industries is 53%. In other words, one in two jobs could soon be done by a machine.