
  • Users can find information more quickly with the help of Glean Chat, the company’s new AI assistant recently unveiled.
  • According to Glean, its assistant can sum up entire datasets and specific events, like a software update.

Recently, Glean Chat, an artificial intelligence assistant that can synthesize business documents and produce text, was released by search engine developer Glean Technologies Inc.

The startup claims that its assistant, which is run by generative AI models, can assist engineers with coding tasks.

Based in Palo Alto, California, Glean came out of stealth with USD 55 million from investors in 2021. Since then, the business has raised an additional USD 100 million for its namesake product, an enterprise-focused search engine. The platform enables users to conduct natural language queries on the internal business data of their company.

The new AI assistant, Glean Chat, unveiled recently, is also made to make it easier for users to find information quickly. It can gather business information from over 100 well-known enterprise applications, including Salesforce, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace. Through a ChatGPT-like interface, Glean Chat enables interaction with the retrieved business data.

Employees can use the tool to sum up recent business developments. For instance, a developer could ask Glean Chat to retrieve details about a software update released by coworkers. The AI assistant can retrieve relevant technical information and indicate whether the update was successfully implemented.

Glean Chat’s each generated response includes links to business documents that serve as informational sources. The tool also suggests follow-up questions. If a developer inquires about a recent software update, it might be advised to look up details on the upcoming feature release.

According to Glean, its assistant can sum up entire datasets and specific events, like a software update. For instance, a user could instruct the tool to extract meaningful information from a selection of feature requests made public by clients within the previous 30 days.

Arvind Jain, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer said in a blog post, “Kicking off a new project can be difficult when there are so many moving pieces and sources of information to work with. Chat excels at getting you past that initial barrier by generating summarized insights from large volumes of enterprise data.”

Glean Chat has a text generation feature in addition to its summarization features. Employees can use it on projects like responding to typical customer support inquiries. The business claims that it can also produce software code.

For cybersecurity reasons, organizations restrict access to sensitive business data. For instance, a database for accounting may only permit requests for login from team members in accounting. According to Glean, its AI assistant only retrieves data pertinent to a user’s work and considers the data access policies of the organizations when generating answers.

More than 100 businesses are included in Glean’s installed base. Major enterprise software providers like Confluent Inc., Databricks Inc., and Okta Inc. are among the company’s clients.