According to the new PwC study for the enterprises, it was concluded that 5G offers two key opportunities i.e. Innovation and Revenue. With 5G, Companies can be innovative in developing their own operating model. The models would span across different areas i.e. better communication with employees using mobile technology and even data virtualization. The second opportunity that 5G would offer is to drive additional revenue options. It’s also estimated that 5G would contribute $1 Trillion to the global GDP in the next three years.
Using 5G can drive additional revenue options for organizations by giving products or services to their customers and grow their revenue base.
One of the features that many organizations are excited about is making virtual objects from simple statements. Suppose you are viewing a restaurant menu and suddenly you feel like that the information provided in the menu is not enough for you to make a decision. 5G would introduce a virtual reality or augmented reality where you can directly interact and experience, how the dish exactly looks like. The new technology in 5G is based on better interaction between mobile devices and virtualization of the objects.
Though the technology barriers would still affect the adoption of 5G initially it will phase-out as the time progress. Enterprises that would be leveraging the 5G would have to be more aware of the end-user requirements than ever before. Clever marketing techniques from organizations and better connectivity in 5G would definitely drive the consumers towards it.