The industrial infrastructure is rapidly changing, the initial automation wave that transformed the operation. In the modern era, Data is fast becoming the go-to solution for the enterprises to improve the decision-making process for the industrial operation. Operational requirements depend on the automation and data insights; they can be achieved with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The current applications of the IoT devices go far beyond the fitness band that can be used for connecting the machines and devices for the industries such as transportation, manufacturing, healthcare and smart cities.


1. IoT to IIoT

IoT focusses towards consumer devices such as smartphones, devices or applications while IIoT devices are more focused towards the machines and industrial level devices. With the implementation of the IIoT devices, decision making becomes channelized and it directly affects the revenue of enterprises. IIoT devices need to be more authenticate in decision making because they’re directly affecting the operation of the industry.

2. The Benefit of Using the IIoT

IIoT devices ideally automate the total operational requirements with ease in decision-making, using the IIoT devices the industry is set to become more efficient. It enables an increase in productivity, efficiency, communication, and improved solutions. IIoT brings sustainability in the use of automation for the applications that can actually affect the total operational environment.  In the Global economic scenario, the total operation can depend on several steps and IIoT can automate the manual operational requirements.

3. Challenges of Using the IIoT

Every new technology actually introduces a new challenge for enterprises. For the implementation of IIoT devices, the enterprises have to go through the high cost of deployments and the industries must also spend their revenue towards the hardware, software and equipment cost.  Many of the legacy hardware will not be able to support the new devices with higher bandwidth requirements.  The security challenges of the IIoT devices also increase the risk of adding vulnerabilities to the system.