On the very first day of New Year, Slack suffered an outage across its various services.

As per the recording of Slack’s dashboard, messaging and connection went down first, but by noon EST, all of Slack’s services came down. However, the company pointed out that there was a little improvement observed in the working of Slack after clicking on the refresh button (CTRL/CMD R).

Later, all the services got restored around 3 PM EST.

The condensed timeline looks like this:

– For any customers unable to access Slack, please reload (CTRL/CMD R) or restart Slack. If you encounter any trouble, please let us know at feedback@slack.com.

– We’ll have a separate post on this site for the outstanding calendar apps and email notifications trouble.

– We’re truly sorry for the disruption today. We’ll be back with a summary of this issue.

January 4, 2021, 3:10 PM EST

We’re seeing improvements with error rates on our side, and we believe affected customers should be able to access Slack.

We’re continuing to work to resolve the trouble with calendar apps and email notifications.

January 4, 2021, 2:28 PM EST

There are no changes to report as of yet. We’re still all hands on deck and continuing to dig in on our side. We’ll continue to share updates every 30 minutes until the incident has been downgraded.

January 4, 2021, 11:52 AM EST

We’re continuing to investigate connection issues for customers, and have upgraded the incident on our side to reflect an outage in service. All hands are on deck on our end to further investigate. We’ll be back in a half hour to keep you posted.

January 4, 2021, 11:20 AM EST


Salesforce made a recent announcement that it was acquiring Slack for USD 27.7 billion with plans to grow the company’s Customer 360 efforts.

The talk about outage started popping up on Twitter and internal networks as soon as 2021 began. On the one hand, where the hope of a new normal started blooming, on the other hand, a new glitch was observed on Slack.

Those working on Slack might hear some more about such updates. Stay tuned to the Slack dashboard every half hour or so as the working might remain interrupted for some more time.