The word disruption has become synonymous with innovation and success over the past decade. The usage of the word climbed up in the 2010s and is at the peak this year as per the Google Trends. Now, as we go toward the end of a millennium, the question remains how will enterprises use disruptive technology to create ‘true transformation.’ Here are 5 areas of disruptive technologies that hold promise to transform in the coming year:

1. Transitioning with Blockchain

Blockchain has been called the solution to every problem by many industry leaders over the past few years. According to a forecast by Gartner, Inc., only 10% of organizations will have achieved radical transformation using blockchain by 2023, and most blockchain startups are likely to fail as it still is a naive implementation.

Blockchain is an irrefutable digital leger that can be used in most promising applications and sectors that have extensive documentation such as healthcare, finance, and payment gateways. In fact, in the coming year, we will see blockchain assisting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the proliferation of drones, as companies now have blocked blockchain to be used on drones.

2. Conversion of AI with context

IBM spoke with 30 most influential AI researchers and thought leaders earlier this year to ascertain their predictions on the future of AI. Although the overall speculation was diverse, all 30 of them agreed, “Conversational AI will see important developments sooner rather than later.” AI will, in 3 to 5 years, drive computers to their biggest conversational hump, i.e., context.

Context is the BIGGEST challenge when it comes to mainstream AI. The wide range of conversational queue that lets humans understand sarcasm, humor, anger, pun, irony, etc. eludes the current state of conversational AI.

Currently, several Chatbots are providing customer support across industries, and we are not seeing AI voice assistants answering enterprise-related queries in a natural human tone.

3. Cybersecurity: Fear of the DARK… We mean CLOUD

2020 will be the year of anxiety, and no, we don’t mean the mental health condition (although that too will persist), but we are talking about cloud security anxiety. As per a survey conducted by Cyber Security Hub, 85% of executives view it as one of the major threats. Tough giants like AWS, Azure, and Google are working really hard on their protocols to bring down the cost and increase security measures, yet vast data storage will always mean that you are vulnerable to such attacks. And these attacks will NEVER cease to grow in quality and quantity.

With more connected devices, the vulnerability of them being hacked gets multiplied. Cyber and data security will also become famous in the coming years, with new regulations and protocols coming in place.

As the threat of security starts growing, enterprises should turn to AI-based solutions that detect fraud and recognizes patterns for sophisticated cyber-attacks.

4. The 5G Analytics

Currently, 5G is now just a trickle in a few states of the US, but in 2020 the same trickle will turn into a stream as large network providers will start providing 5G to their customers.

5G promises speed and peak-performances compared to 4G, allowing you to download movies in a matter of minutes. This lightning-fast connection can revolutionize mobile technology. As the technology matures, businesses will need sophisticated technology to function, and here data analytics will play a pivotal role in how 5G functions.

To sum it up…

Every year the business and tech community talks about transformation and disruption/innovation, and the trends that they come up with hardly change every year. While the trends, as mentioned above, can be considered as a Launchpad from only ‘talk’ to real ‘transformation’ and penetrate it across industries. Hopefully, AI and Machine Learning will enable such disruption to transformation, and there is a wave of excitement among the industry leaders to see what the next year holds for everyone.