
The field of artificial intelligence (AI), which includes creating intelligent machines capable of carrying out tasks that previously required human intelligence, has emerged as a revolutionary one. Different levels of intelligence, ranging from those with constrained capabilities to those displaying human-like cognition, exist within the broad field of AI.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is one of these levels and refers to AI systems that lack general intelligence but excel at particular tasks or domains.

Artificial narrow intelligence aims to build exact and practical tools for carrying out a narrow range of tasks. Unlike general-purpose AI systems, ANI is designed to address specific issues within a constrained environment.

These systems demonstrate high proficiency and expertise in their specialized fields but cannot apply their knowledge or skills to new or unrelated tasks.

What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence?

The only kind of artificial intelligence we have successfully realized is artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), also known as weak AI or narrow AI.

Narrow artificial intelligence is goal-oriented, created to carry out a single task, and extremely intelligent at completing its programmed task.

Narrow AI is created to carry out a single task, such as driving a car or conducting an internet search, and is very intelligent at carrying out the particular task it is programmed to do.

What are Types of Artificial Narrow Intelligence?

There are various types of ANI. There are two main categories of narrow artificial intelligence:

Reactive AI: This fundamental ANI lacks any form of memory or data storage. It behaves similarly to how a human mind would and can react to new interpretations.

Limited Memory AI: This is an ANI at a higher level. This allows it to store data and enables precise interpretation using statistical data.

Difference Between Narrow AI, Strong AI, Super AI

Depending on its capabilities and reach, artificial intelligence can be divided into three levels or categories: Narrow AI, Strong AI, and Super AI. A comparison of these three will be made now:

Narrow AI

            Strong AI

Super AI

In order to complete or resolve a specific problem, narrow AI is programmed to only carry out a small number of predefined tasks.

Strong AI will be self-aware and capable of carrying out any task that its “mind” can conjure up.

Super AI will perform more intelligently than humans and be more effective at completing any task.

Narrow AI employs preprogrammed, fixed-domain models.

Strong AI learns on its own and adjusts to its surroundings.

Super AI develops a consciousness, learns for itself, and grows.

Narrow AI lacks self-awareness, artificial consciousness, and cognitive abilities.

Strong AI will be regarded as genuinely sophisticated, intelligent, and fully self-aware, implying that it will have common sense, creativity, and the capacity for emotional expression.

Super AI will mimic human thought processes and experiences to form emotional understanding, convictions, and desires.

Data is categorized by narrow AI using machine learning, deep learning, artificial neural networks, and natural language processing.

By utilizing more sophisticated versions of machine learning, deep learning, NLP, and artificial neural networks, strong AI uses clustering and association.

The human brain may be used as a model by super AI to comprehend and interpret human emotions and experiences.

Knowledge cannot be transferred from narrow AI to other domains or tasks.

Strong AI approaches new tasks and domains by transferring knowledge.

Knowledge transfer across tasks and domains will always be practiced by super AI.

Benefits of Artificial Narrow Intelligence

Even though ANI doesn’t have the same range of cognitive abilities as human intelligence or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), it still has some advantages. The following are some ANI benefits:

Superior to humans at single tasks performed

Narrow AI systems are much more efficient than humans at completing single tasks. For instance, a focused AI system trained to identify cancer from X-ray or ultrasound images might be able to identify a cancerous mass in a collection of images much more quickly and accurately than a skilled radiologist.

Relieves people of tedious duties

The advancement of narrow AI has made it possible for humans to be freed from some tedious, repetitive, and mundane tasks. It has simplified many of our daily tasks, from using Siri to order food online to requiring less work to process massive amounts of data to produce results.

In addition, technologies like self-driving cars have given us more free time to engage in activities or tasks that interest us, relieving us of the stress and burden of being stuck in traffic for an extended period.

Enables the creation of more intelligent AI by acting as a building block

The eventual development of more intelligent AI versions, such as general AI and super AI, is built on artificial narrow intelligence systems. Computers can accurately translate sounds into text using speech recognition and identify and categorize objects in video streams using computer vision. Google currently uses AI to caption millions of YouTube videos.

Cost reduction

Automating tasks previously carried out by humans, ANI can lower labor costs. ANI is a more affordable option for human labor because it can work continuously without breaks or vacations.

Automation can be beneficial in industries where repetitive, time-consuming tasks are necessary. For instance, ANI can assemble products much faster and with fewer mistakes than human workers in the manufacturing sector. This may lead to substantial cost savings and higher productivity.


ANI systems offer a high level of customization, allowing them to be fine-tuned for specific tasks. This adaptability is particularly evident in ANI-based language translation systems, which can undergo specialized training in particular languages, enhancing their accuracy and surpassing the performance of generic translation tools.

Limitations of Artificial Narrow Intelligence

While ANI has made notable strides and shown astounding abilities in various fields, it also has limitations. Some of ANI’s main drawbacks include:

  • Weak AI has limitations due to its constrained capabilities, which raises the possibility of harm being done if a system malfunction.
  • Concerns about the significant loss of jobs brought on by an increasing number of tasks being performed automatically are also of concern.
  • It needs more flexibility and cannot adjust to novel circumstances or tasks for which it was not explicitly designed.
  • ANI lacks context awareness and common sense reasoning, which can produce unexpected or inaccurate results.
  • If the data used to train ANI systems needs to be revised or sufficient, they are susceptible to mistakes and inaccuracies. Consequently, ANI might not be appropriate for complex tasks requiring high cognitive ability or human-like reasoning.

Examples of Artificial Narrow Intelligence

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is a term for AI systems focused on a specific task or set of tasks within a limited area of knowledge. ANI systems are restricted to the particular tasks they have been taught to perform and lack general intelligence. Here are some examples of artificial narrow intelligence.

  • These are weak AI systems, including the ones employed by social media giants like Facebook and Google, to recognize people in photos automatically.
  • This includes the well-known virtual assistants Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. Simpler customer service chatbots are also included, such as one that helps customers return an item to a retailer.
  • Applications of narrow AI include autonomous drones, boats, factory robots, and some Tesla model cars that are partially or fully autonomous.
  • These models rely on machine data frequently collected through sensors to forecast when a machine component may fail and notify users in advance.


In conclusion, artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) has demonstrated great promise in precisely and effectively completing particular tasks. ANI systems are currently utilized in some industries, including transportation, finance, and healthcare.

Despite the difficulties, ANI has already significantly impacted society and will continue to be a critical factor in determining our future.

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