Sales manager across the various industries are finding innovative ways that can keep the sales team motivated and focused even during the period of lulls. Focussing on goal can be difficult when you are constantly feeling the heat of low conversions and downtimes when the sales are usually low compared to the last year during the same quarter. Most of the sales managers face an uphill task when dealing with teams that are highly demotivated during the lull period and getting their energy level up to make the sales level reach the upper threshold. Sales Manager needs to question the primary reasons due to which the sales are not hitting the threshold mark, a team can remain productive and focused consistently during the downtime if they have the certain motivation that can drive them. A focused and productive workforce is a profitable workforce, even monetary benefits sometimes cannot motivate the sales teams beyond a certain point, here comes technology. Sales managers can take the advantage of right sales technology for supporting their teams to gain an edge by assisting them to focus on the right sales process rather than getting stuck at sales process that doesn’t yield revenue.

Sales leaders procure a technology to make the already set sales process more efficient with a focus towards the ROI. The current tech market offers a range of solution to the sales teams to increase productivity, but finding the right tool that is capable of developing the productive sales infrastructure for your particular industry can be tricky.  Most of the sales leaders don’t have the time and resources to test each of the tools based on their requirements, so here is an overview that helps the sales leaders to identify according to the process of acceleration, CRM and sales intelligence tools.

Sales Acceleration Tools

Sales accelerations tools are designed to accelerate the sales process with potential leads by ad targeting; various sales touch points and shorten the process of the sales cycle.  They can add a variety of vertical technology aspects such as automating the sales process, promotion of various products/services/offers through different ad channels, and connecting the sales reps that have shown a direct interest in the product/ service.

1. Yesware

Emails can be one of the best marketing channels your company can have but can you leverage the complete channel. It’s imperative that you can add the value to each email before hitting the send button and how it’s affecting the complete digital channel and sales process. Yesware a tool that can give a better insight into the response you are getting for the emails, it can classify between the clicks, open and CTA response. An enterprise can be assisted by Yesware when it can identify whether the email ids can be potential customers. Yesware can be integrated with various email tools such as Gmail, and Outlook.

2. Outreach

Outreach is a sales engagement platform that integrates the CRM and inbox that will assist you to reach potential clients with more effective sales strategy. Outreach is a tool that can craft successful emails, phone calls, nurture relationships online and manage the potential leads in the pipeline with predictability.

3. SalesLoft

SalesLoft is a sales prospecting and automation tool that can assist the sales reps to create their own customized process for monitoring and regulation sales development emails, calls and other promotional efforts. It even works in sync with LinkedIn to generate the lists of contact information to assist before making the first step towards establishing for the connection and developing a relationship with the prospect.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools

CRM tools are one of the topmost tools that are being used for sales and marketing. CRM tools are one of the most common technology software solutions that can assist the enterprises to nurture the relations between the enterprises and potential customers.

1. SalesForce

SalesForce is one of the leading providers in the CRM; a lead management tool can provide on-demand services assisting the companies to manage customer communication. Developing a relationship with a potential customer and nurturing it through the sales funnel is one of the most important processes that need to be followed.

2. Hubspot

When it comes to size or scalability HubSpot CRM tool offers a range of features for the sales reps- include contact management, email scheduling and integration with Gmail and outlook. HubSpot offers additional resources to assist the team to build a deeper and more meaningful relationship.  

Intelligent Sales

Sales as the process of selling have evolved over the course of time. Additional features tend to make the sales process more effective and automating the sales cycle. Intelligent sales tools offer a comprehensive feature to make the sales process streamlined and highly effective.

1. Deals

Sales Navigator Deals is a must for the sales team focused on the collaborative approach towards the management. Deals provide you and your team with a shared view of contacts, assist you to identify the various imperative touchpoints that integrate with CRM with real-time data sync.

2. TeamLink

When you find a mutual connection through the organization then why not leverage the solution, view and search the connections of their in your organization. With a network of connections, the entire team can assist you to build a sales process and introduce additional prospects for you.


The huge number of sales productive tools exists for a reason, which can actually add unique solutions for different companies. Understanding what your team needs should define your demand, different tools are available and they are capable to help your team through various solutions. To be more equipped to make more meaningful connections and establish deeper sales relationships with potential customers.

To know more about the sales, you can download our whitepapers.