Sales and marketing share the same goals – bringing in new customers. But due to broken communication and no collaboration, several industries struggle to align sales and marketing teams. Sounds familiar?

That’s where sales enablement comes in.

But before we start, let’s make it clear: sales enablement isn’t just a fun trend that’s here today and gone tomorrow. It is no buzzword, but a real strategy used to enhance your business.

What is sales enablement?

It’s simple, allowing the sales team to do their job better. Exactly the way sales enablement sounds. It is a strategic process that aims to make the product, sales, and marketing teams more efficient by giving them tools, training, and resources.

In simple words, we can say that it is the iterative method that offers resources to the sales team to close more deals. These resources may include information, content, tools, and knowledge to sell your service or product to consumers effectively. It has always been a hot topic for good reasons, as organizations with sales enablement have over 15% better win rates than those without it. It helps to boost the overall business revenue.

As per a CSO Insights report a few years ago, about 25% of organizations implemented sales enablement for their teams. And by 2019, the percentage increased to about 61.3%.

That’s why various businesses use sales enablement – because it really works.

Exactly how does sales enablement motivate your team? Here’s a snapshot….

Use of tools to make more money

Here are some of the best sales enablement tools that will help to generate revenue. It’s time to automate and organize as much as humanly possible. The following are the tools that will help you to do it.


This tool helps sellers engage their audience using enhanced sales analytics, content, training, and management. It organizes dynamic sales training, plays, and integrated communication into one platform. This is a technologically enhanced tool that comprises features of artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics to see how sales reps use the material you provide, and which material is best in various situations.

How exactly does Highspot work:

  • AI helps to find the right content and quickly scans it.
  • Organizes content for documentation.
  • Analyzes the content sent by consumers.
  • It shows relevant training material alongside content so that sales reps can easily refer to training material when sending and creating sales content.


This tool plays an important role by connecting sales, marketing, and sales enablement teams together and allows them to understand, create, and deliver superior content than ever. Let’s take a quick look at how Seismic allows the sales team to work:

  • Availability of search feature to track, save, and send content.
  • Quick sharing and unified chat for an easy partnership.
  • Availability of microsites for training materials.
  • Analytics show how your team is using content and training material.


HubSpot’s CRM is totally free! It shows a complete look at your sales pipeline and gives access to a wide-ranging available marketing creation tool. Thus, sales enablement and cross-team collaboration are easy.


The tool helps to bring together customer, marketing, and sales success efforts so you can effectively share insights. Thus, outreach allows you to enhance your consumer lifecycle to concentrate on engagement and cooperate at scale to efficiently close deals.


Zendesk allows your sales reps team to keep track of every interaction they have with a consumer. Further, it helps the sales team to keep track of sales enablement tools and other resources they use in consumer interactions to close the deal.


It makes it easy for sales reps to create, send, and manage sales documents. Pre-built templates make the process easy by availing quotes, proposals, and contract outlines. PandaDoc also offers insights into which consumers are engaged by tracking their interactions with documents.

Whether you are training new sales agents, organizing documents, or tracking performance metrics, these above tools will, for sure, speed up the process.

Therefore, when you empower the sales and marketing team with the right resources and tools, they will have the ability to sell a product more efficiently. This means your business will account for the largest revenue shares, and thus increase the number of clients and brand advocates. Hence, these tools play an important role in converting more leads to consumers.

Here are ten sales enablement best practices to get success:

  • Adoption of novel selling techniques
  • Understand sales reps and invest in training
  • Give updates on published content
  • Engage clients
  • Generate pertinent content via guest blogging
  • Align content with the buyer journey
  • Use chatbots
  • Work with the marketing team
  • Use an enhanced technology (that help with goal setting and forecasting)
  • Share wins

So, sales enablement plays an important role in building up an efficient sales and marketing team and drives more industrial revenue.

Soul of the story

Today’s business-to-business (B2B) sales enablement managers must consider the new business aspects in order to help sales, marketing, and product teams achieve the anticipated goals.

Nowadays, B2B industries are heavily investing in sales enablement best practices and tools to enhance their business and generate more leads to generate more revenue. However, few industries have begun with little understanding of the concept to make sales enablement success.

At the end of the journey, we can say that sales enablement is a term that offers your sales team with enhanced content, correct information, and advanced technology to sell more efficiently. Find more such content and information in our latest whitepapers on sales and marketing.