I hope this post will shed some light on Flutter and its benefits.

Let’s begin with some Flutter chat!

What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google’s portable UI (User Interface) toolkit exclusively used for developing beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, desktop, and web from a single codebase. It was launched in 2017.

The most important thing about Flutter is – ‘it is free and open-source.’ It uses Google’s Dart programming language. Also known as the best application management solutions.

Major components of Flutter

  • Widgets – essential building blocks for UI
  • Flutter engine – offers low-level rendering support using Google’s Skia graphics library. C language is used
  • Foundation library – offers a base layer of functionality for APIs (Application Programming Interface) to communicate with the engine. They are written in Dart language.

Benefits of Flutter app development

Experts think that Flutter is the future of cross-platform mobile app development. Here are some of its benefits that show how Flutter is revolutionizing mobile app development

1. Excellent for the minimum viable product (MVP)

MVP signifies the product with minimum functionality and features that help understand the requirements of target consumers. Nowadays, software development companies are adopting an agile methodology. Thus, the importance of MVP continues to increase.

Companies that are in a hurry to launch their product into the market have to show MVP to shareholders and investors mandatorily. Flutter is excellent for developing an MVP, considering less effort and time required to create an app.

2. Simple setup with exceptional documentation

As we know, Flutter is a blessing given by Google, therefore supported by Google’s Material Design team. It’s an easy go for beginners too. The framework comes with in-depth documentation that allows developers to solve queries that occurred during the project.

3. Single codebase for multiple platforms

Flutter allows one to use a single codebase to develop multiple platform applications. Thus, it reduces the time and effort required to invest in app development. For this, it uses Dart programming language.
As Flutter has low testing load requirements, one can develop two different native mobile apps using a single framework. This feature of Flutter ultimately reduces testing time and efforts.

If you are a beginner who wants to develop a mobile quickly, Flutter is the best option.

4. Requires less development cost

While developing a mobile app, the price is something you cannot overlook. As per research, the average cost for developing an app is about USD 30,000, and as requirements increase, it goes up to USD 100,000.

Smaller businesses and start-ups cannot afford so much to develop an app. Here Flutter jumps in as it is known to be the cost savior. Thanks to the single codebase that helps save a lot of money by developing cross-platform applications. Also, it does not need platform-specific developers.

5. Firebase integration

Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform by Google exclusively used for developing mobile and web applications. Developers could benefit from Firebase’s services such as messaging, databases, crash reporting, and analytics. Did you know, Firebase easily integrates with Flutter.

6. Performance booster

The main reason why mobile app developers go after Flutter is its performance. To better comprehend the performance of Flutter, let’s compare it with its closest competitor – React Native.

While running JavaScript in a different thread, React Native uses key UI building blocks that require a bridge to communicate between native modules. This process is lengthy, time-consuming, and resource-consuming.

Flutter compiles everything in one place, consolidates the app logic and UI modules into machine coding, making the app work faster, thus boosting overall performance.

For instance, as per Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020, about 68.8% of developers (among the top 3) prefer to use Flutter and have expressed interest in continuing to develop with it.

To develop cross-platform Android and iOS mobile apps with Flutter, one must use a Mac.

How does Flutter benefit developers?

Here is why –

  • Integration with currently available apps
  • Support from a large community
  • Open-source packages
  • Perfect for advanced user interface
  • Offers enhanced developer experience

Examples of apps that are developed using Flutter

Flutter examples are as follows:

I know Flutter is young enough but is already used by global services such as Reflectly, Google Ads, AppTree, Alibaba, Birch Finance, Hookle Social App, Hamilton Musical, and still counting….

Also, Flutter is selected as a solution for Nubank for all app development. Nubank is the largest digital bank in the world outside of Asia.

What apps could be made with Flutter?

The answer is simple – any. One can use it to develop applications for any purpose – from small businesses (banks, online stores) to large businesses (courier control, contact centers). Nevertheless, Flutter is the best tool for research and development projects and start-ups. This is because of its ability to quickly prototype and checks new occupational ideas.

What expert’s think about Flutter

Tim Sneath, Director of Product Management for Flutter and amp; Dart, Google, commented: “Our vision for Flutter is something that many of us have been dreaming of for years — a powerful, general-purpose, open UI toolkit for building stunning experiences on any device-embedded, mobile, desktop or beyond.”

It’s time to wrap up!

Lessons learned

  • Flutter is the best tool for delivering the ‘same app’ across all platforms.
  • Business benefits of Flutter are substantial because firms can get their products to the market in no time, reduces cost, faster app development, easy to use, and can target multiple platforms.

For ages, consumers prefer usability and speed over anything else; Flutter will soon take place in the heart of mobile app developers in the coming years.

Utter, butter, let’s develop an app with Flutter!

So, what’s your favorite reason for using Flutter?

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