According to the Fifth Assessment Report created by the World Metrological organization and United Nations Environmental program, it’s been proven that temperatures have reached a new high. The main reason is human activities that have directly resulted in carbon pollution. The report also highlights that over the last three decade the earth has become warmer with each passing year. The World Economic Forum identified 65 existing and emerging blockchain use cases that could reduce some of the global environmental challenges. Blockchain would have wide benefits when we see from the environmental point of view sustainable monitoring, reporting and verification, automatic disaster preparedness and humanitarian relief. 

The Blockchain for climate foundation is a non-profit organization that wants to use blockchain for cross-border collaboration and reduces the investment. Article 6 of the Paris agreement has laid down the basis for international collaboration to reduce carbon emissions. 

Building a public blockchain because effectively help us implement global actions that can be widely implemented. With ease in collaborationtransparency and extensibility of blockchain can be the solution of many environmental problems. Blockchain will be total public database wherein the digital assets are not just numbered it’s cryptographically secured. Blockchain drives public trust, transparency in the decision making of all world powers and also transferability of information between people and organizations.