The AI wave toward the end of the decade seems to have made an impact on all our lives. Right from 2010 to 2019, the human species experienced a myriad of seismic shifts in areas such as technology, science, entertainment, and even our very own planet.

So, isn’t it a great idea to get nostalgic and check out how AI has taken over our lives over the past decade?

Bots resemble humans. Some are cute, some ugly, and some harmless. So, practically, we can relate them to specific human characteristics. But the truth is, bots are engineered to serve the society in various ways. Some are programmed as educators, some as lab technicians, and so on and so forth.

Coming to the year 2010, when automation got better and cheaper, it worked in our lives in mysterious ways. Today, driving instructions given out on the smartphone are more reliable and instant translations help us feel more comfortable in a place where the language is a barrier. All thanks to AI.

Technology has always evolved to coexist with humans, and it’s interesting to know that this decade has brought the two even closer.

So, it is time to check out how these bots have managed to make a considerable difference to our lives.

We gave AI the brain

Well, the little operational tweaks that we come across almost every day is nothing but the magic of machine learning–a scientific approach to AI.

So, with an interesting twist, AI is not just programmed to find answers to questions about data sets but to find questions themselves. This is the primary reason why successful deep learning applications need large amounts of data and computational power to be able to self-test repeatedly.

Technology Review’s Karen Hao also issued a thorough study on AI that concludes machine learning as a crucial feature of AI in the past 10 years. Hao also stated, “Machine learning has enabled near-human and even superhuman abilities in transcribing speech from voice, recognizing emotions from audio or video recordings, as well as forging handwriting or video.

More about the past decade

For the past 10 years, the progress of AI is unbelievable. In the recent decade alone, bots are successful in achieving dominance over humans in not only chess but games that are far more complex.

As most of these achievements are difficult to quantify, programmers have developed machines that are capable of beating humans in their own games.

Well, I have chosen an example of games to portray the difference AI has made to humans for easier correlation and understanding.

So, here is the compilation of games where bots have defeated humans in the past decade:

The year 2011: Former Jeopardy champions lose to IBM’s Watson

The year 2014: Saw Facebook’s DeepFace facial recognition algorithm accomplishing a 97% accuracy rate compared to humans.

The year 2015: Go champions in Korea and Europe taste defeat from Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo

The year 2016: Microsoft speech recognition AI now transcribes audio with lesser mistakes compared to humans

The year 2017: Libratus defeated the top 4 poker players in a 20-day long tournament

The year 2018: Stanford University’s reading comprehension test won by Alibaba’s AI


Games are just one element of the thousands that are impacted by AI. Well, not just this but AI makes a remarkable difference to human lives in several other ways. Right from monitoring traffic signals to healthcare, AI is everywhere.

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